An important message: Stop the BNP!
From: John Page []
Sent: 16 February 2008 17:09
To: Recipient List Suppressed:
Subject: Stop the BNP
Dear supporter,
I am writing to thank you for showing support for the campaign to mobilise votes in Hackney with the intention of blocking the BNP from gaining electoral success in the GLA election. I am also writing to ask you to do a number of things to increase the strength of this campaign. In the last week we have launched a facebook site which has attracted almost 100 members,
(you need to be signed up to facebook for this link to work, but joining is free).
We have also gained support from representatives of the Kurdish, Muslim and Jewish communities. Councillors from all political parties represented on Hackney council. Jeanette Arnold the current Assembly member for this area as well as local representatives of the following trade unions; Union of Shop, Distribnution and Allied Workers union, Unite-Amicus, National Union of Teachers, University and Colleges Unions, UNISON, Communication Workers Union, and the Transport Salaried Staff Association. The College branch of Unison. The Transport for London branch of the TSSA, and the London Metropolitan University Branch of UCU have already circulated details of this campaign to their members. A number of other trade union branches have promised to do the same. This is an incredibly good start, but it is not sufficient. Over the next few weeks we need to ensure that everyone in Hackney is aware of the consequences of not voting on 1 May. Put simply, if the BNP win 5% of the vote they will get an Assembly seat, if they reach 8% they will get two seats. We can stop them easily if we alert friends, neighbours and colleagues to the fact that if they do not use their vote they will make it easier for the BNP to succeed. What needs to be done?
1 Please forward this email to everyone you know who lives or works in Hackney and ask them to act on it.
2 Please sign up (and get others to sign up) to the following statement which we intend to use accompanied by a list of endorsers in a full page advert in the Hackney Gazette which will alert residents to the risk of a BNP victory.
We, the people of London, are totally opposed to all those who seek to promote racism in our society. We strongly believe that the lessons of history show that racism, discrimination and fascism, if unchallenged, causes hatred and division in society and will provoke fear and intimidation among many within our city. We believe that diversity is a strength and a cause for celebration, and that those who promote racism and discrimination divide our community. All signatories to this statement have a shared belief in justice, fairness and equality for all. We oppose racism and discrimination wherever it takes place and will not co-operate in public meetings or media events that offer fascists or racists a platform to normalise their repugnant views or to legitimise the politics of hatred. We declare our desire to co-operate with trade unions, political parties, faith groups and others that take a stand against those that promote racist and fascist political views.'
'The deadline for receiving public endorsements of this statement is 9 March, so that we can compile them and publish them in the Hackney Gazette on 13 March. Endorsee's should email John Page ( stating their name and if appropriate their organisation.
3 If you are a member of a faith, trade union, community or other group, please try to get an article in your newsletter alerting people to the consequences of not using their vote on 1 May.
4 On 13 March we intend to hold an organising meeting/rally to bring everyone together, to finalise the details for the weekend of activity (see below), to distribute campaign leaflets and to agree a strategy going forward. Details will follow, but please put this date in your diary now.
5 Over the weekend of 14-16 March we plan to distribute leaflets across the borough door-to-door, as well as through faith and community groups. If you are a member of a group that can distribute leaflets, either by inclusion in a members mailing, distribution on a noticeboard, or through a faith group, please let us know how many leaflets you require. We are also asking people to agree to leaflet their streets door-to-door. If everyone agrees to leaflet just two or three streets, we can cover the borough without difficulty. Please let John Page know what leaflets you need and where you will use them.
6 After all this campaign work we will be entitled to some fun, so why not attend the Love Music Hate racism 30th anniversary event in Victoria Park on April 27th from 12 noon to 6pm. The 1978 anti-racist carnival took place at a pivotal point in the struggle against the National Front (the forerunner of the BNP). Music has always been one medium that breaks down cultural barriers and this celebratory event will give a powerful message, just days before the election, that for the BNP the party is over. Please visit for more details.7 Finally, we would welcome donations (payable to Hackney TUC, PO Box 44656, London N16 5YX). We expect this campaign to cost in the region of £1,200, so every little will help.Please consider what you can do to spread the message now and how you can contribute over the weekend of 14 - 16 March.
Any ideas you have about how to get maximum publicity for our message will be gratefully received.Together we can make a difference.Thank you for your continued support.
John PageCo-ordinator.